Miss Tiscornia's Grade 3 ELA

Course Description

Welcome to Miss Tiscornia's 3rd Grade ELA Class! Please use this website for announcements regarding ELA and homeroom. Let's have a great year!


Google Classroom and TRS Websites

Hello to the parents of my Writers!
I wanted to give you a head's up about this website vs. Google Classroom. I've gotten some e-mails regarding Google Classroom, so here is a little note about what you can expect.
What is the difference between this site and Google Classroom? This site (my teacher page) is specifically tailored to the parents for updates on what's going on it class. Any homework announcements will be up here, and what's happening in class will be here, too!
Google Classroom is a digital resource for the students. It's a place where I can post digital assignments (as opposed to paper ones), announcements for the students, and so on.  When you sign up as a guardian, you get to keep tabs on what your students are doing while in school, but will not have access to the content. In my specific class, students will never have to access stuff from Google Classroom at home - any online resource that the students can use will be posted on here.
I hope that helps! Please spread the word that parents can subscribe to this website if they wish to be updates in our ELA class.
Thanks so much! Have a great Monday!

Tuesday 10/17

Hi everyone! 
For my Homeroom: PTO Fundraiser packs went home yesterday. Please review them are participate if you can!
Also: Box Top Collection is Friday. I would love to be in the top 3! Please send your Box Tops in ASAP! 
Have a great day!

Monday Notes

Hi everyone! I have two things to tell you:
1. If you signed up for a conference or Google Classroom on B2S Night, please know that I am going through all contacts and it may take a few days to organize everyone. Having all the students in my ELA Class = lots of parent emails! :)
2. Please let other parents know that they can subscribe to this page, as well as the page of other teachers. Your support is appreciated. Thanks! 
Have a great Monday!

Week of Oct. 9th

Thursday, Oct. 12th


6:30PM - Literacy Forum

7:00 PM: B2S at TRS! Come and see your child's classes and meet their teachers!



Do you have old Halloween Costumes that your child outgrew? Bring them to TRS. They will be donated to those in need.